Age/Level Categories
Aged between 2 and YR 2, Juniors learn basic skills and terminology, while having fun with nursery rhymes, obstacles courses and props. Designed to build confidence, coordination, balance and discipline in preparation for progressing along our classes.
Inter 1
Inter 1 classes build on the beginning skills of Juniors, developing basic awareness of placement and alignment, classical and modern techniques, all while continuing with the fun found in Juniors. These classes aim to give dancers a solid grounding as they prepare to move up to Inter 2.
Inter 2
The stepping stone to Seniors, Inter 2 dancers are usually aged between Years 6 - 9. Classes in Inter 2 focus more on skills and technique development, theories and history of styles of dance and beginning to learn choreograohic and improvisation techniques. The fundamentals of understanding terminology and picking up choreograhy are taught to allow a smooth transition to Seniors.
Senior classes, for ages 14 to adult, advance all techniques learnt in previous levels, regularly going back to basics to supplement their training. Choreographic techniques, creative and improvisation work, and performance skills are focused on alongisde classical training in all theatre styles to give an all-round and deep understanding of the various technqies and styles.
Beginners & Improvers
Used solely for Acro classes, these skill levels are assessed by class teachers and can be applicable to any age. Dancers will start in Beginners, and moved up once certain skills and aptitudes are attained.
Impact Dance Company is split into Inter IDC and Senior IDC. Dancers are invited into IDC annually based on their commitment, work ethic and attitude in classes. IDC sessions are solely routine based, with extra performance opportunities for dancers in these sessions.
Events & Competitions
All Impact dancers have the opportunity to attend various events and competitions each year. This are non-compulsory for all bar IDC dancers. Payments can be split into installments where required, and are always attended with a full team of DBS checked chaperones.